Saturday, December 04, 2010

TOMS shoes.

As they say, "For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a new pair to a child in need. One for one. "
I finally got my first pair of TOMS shoes. I have been eye-ing on their Facebook page if the Holiday Collection has arrived since I always run out a pair of these comfortable and for a good cause shoes. Priced at P2970. My Ate Day and Ate Tata actually helped me buy this, since my savings is still not enough to buy an expensive pair of canvas shoes. This served as my debut gift from them.
Sadly, I wanted a Silver Morocco or a Silver Glittered [which I panned to use for my 18 roses segment during my debut] yet, the silver morocco ran out of a size 7. For the silver glittered, my Ate Tata told me that it's hard to match it with other clothes eh.
This still is the best choice for, "anything goes!"

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