Saturday, November 27, 2010

Kim and Gerald.

Photo source
A breakdown of the two main stars during their conference for Till My Heartaches End.
"Walang Kim, kung walang Gerald. Walang Gerald kung walang Kim."
A love team that has been appearing on-screen, and maybe off-screen as well, for the past 4 years. They started to appear almost all the time since Kim Chiu won as the first Pinoy Big Brother Teen Big Winner, the limelight has been on her and on them ever since they went to serious showbiz. What can we do? They're tandem with the nakakakilig chemistry has hit big screens, teleseryes, print ads, and the Kimerald fans just sprouted like mushrooms. [Haha]

Anyway, my point is not to tell their whole story of how they started and how they ended with their silent "break-up." Yet, the thing is that Kim has been scarred and hurt from all the controversies that people throw at them. At the end of the day, it is always Kim that is kawawa like a puppy in soaked water. Palaging siya na lang ang lumalabas na kawawa. At least, she is the one who appears like an angel who is being oppressed or kinakawawa.

Recently, Gerald has admitted on TV patrol that BeaAlonzo and him were dating before. In short, they dated. My question is, Gerald dated Bea Alonzo while they (Kim and Gerald) were having that special thing they call? That special thing cannot be questioned. It appears evidently on their interviews of that special connection they've made for the past years. Second, why has Bea Alonzo appeared on the news? Lastly, is Gerald Anderson abusing the fact that they only had a special understanding and not an official thing with Kim so he has the right to date other girls naman? :(

So till their heartaches end, I hope they would stop name dropping. 'Cause in the end, it is always Kim who appears to be inaapi, kawawa, and very nice while Gerald is the two-timer, and Bea Alonzo is the querida.

PS. I'm not meddling in their issue but it's something that we must tell boys how to act. To act properly and with discipline naman. Girls are not your pastime, nor are we toys for playtime. And to other girls/b*tches who are trying to attract boys with someone who has not fully committed their life, please don't steal them from their original "owner." Remember, mas nauna siya kaya wala kang karapatan. For publicity, do we still need to see them cry on script?

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