Monday, October 11, 2010

To tie the knot

-To tie the knot means promise that you will stay together forever.

Truly, I am very young to get married. But once I turn eighteen, I am actually legal to get married, may it be a civil wedding or a church wedding. I fancy a lot on grandeur, elegant, expensive, and unique weddings. Especially with the themes, ideas, gowns, souvenirs, and many more at For my debut preps, I refer to this website for creative inputs and some witty and cohesive ideas I could probably copy or could look for inspiration in my debut. This website has given me a lot of youthful, long-lasting, and magnificent ideas on weddings, marriage, and debut-like stuff.

How I wish to get married someday. My mind is premature to think about it but any girl would like to get a church wedding. Maybe spend half a million, have you gowns made by a couture designer, splurge money on a tasty and bountiful meal, enter to a grandiose hall with your husband, and finally walk the aisle with the man of your dreams waiting on the other end as everyone stands up and praise you for your beauty and you hear the Canon song by Pachelbel with an orchestra.

Magical as it may sound, sometimes quite impossible. Is it the wedding you're most fond of or the everlasting marriage with the man you love? And yes, I am inspired by the movies, 27 Dresses and Got to Believe in Magic (Tagalog film).

~Yet there's no such thing as forever, only habambuhay or while you're still alive.
'Til death do us part.

P.S. Oh and did I mention that I want my wedding be featured here? HAHA

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