Monday, September 20, 2010

Notice: She's On Hiatus.

Hey everyone! I will be on hiatus with Blogger as I complete and succeed with my finals in school. I am striving to pass my Botany course (a.k.a. subjects), as well as other courses like Chemistry, Math, Filipino, English, Psychology, and my laboratory courses in this BS program in Pharmacy. I also need to focus with pre-finals stuff and stop thinking of relationships, food, fashion, fitness, and many more. =))

As promised [like I used to], I will be back in time for my debut plans and preparations maybe here on Blogger if my mood says so. Although, my hiatus is indefinite, you are always welcome to leave a message on my chat box, I may still reply there to check my site from time to time. :) Btw, my goal is to be back on the third week of October.

Cheers and a nearing Happy Holidays to everyone! Woops, Happy
Halloween first! :)

PS. I will surely miss this place, my fortress and my sanctuary of thoughts about anything my shadow creates.

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