Sunday, September 13, 2009

I'm a runner too :-bd

Yesterday, it was test-drive time for my Nike Lunar Glide +. Yipee!

Experience of wearing it for the first time:
-very light
-had a cushion in the middle that made my soles become relaxed[Dynamic Support System]
-felt that I was tall because of it's 3 layers of the "heels"

Experience during the 30 minute run:
-better than the other my other pair because it was had the feeling of softness and lightness when runnning
-was able to run at the speed of 8km/h than of 7.5km/hr
-was able to correct my foot when running because it's best for a flat footed person
Experience during cycling class:
-wobbly feeling
-very big shoes to fit inside the straps of the bike
-easier "lift" feeling for the legs

All-in-all: I was aroused to experience if it will be fabulous or a fiasco =))

It costs, well, quite, you know :))
Compared to other running shoes and to other Nike + running shoes, this is actually cheaper with the newest technology! :)

I'll make sure to train with my newest buddy and to love it and to caress it with my most careful use :)) HAHA

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